What are Behavioral Health Services?

Are you having trouble thinking? Are you feeling sad or anxious? Are you drinking too much alcohol or using other drugs? If these issues make it hard to work or go to school, you may need behavioral health services.

Behavioral health services can help you with your emotional, mental and social well-being.

Troubled Thinking

You can also call the Colorado Crisis Support Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at [1-844-493-8225 or text TALK to 38255]. Call or text if you are struggling with mental health, substance use or emotional issues.

Colorado Crisis ServicesPhone Communication

Your member handbook has important information about your Health First Colorado benefits. If you have questions about your services or benefits, look in your member handbook or call CCHA Member Support Services.

If you need help finding a provider:

We want to help you get the care you need. Here are some of the types of providers you may see and services you may be eligible for:

  • Psychiatrist
  • Licensed Mental Health Professional (LMHP); an LMHP is a provider who works with members who have behavioral health concerns. This can include:
    • Medical psychologists
    • Licensed psychologists
    • Licensed Clinical Social Workers
    • Licensed Professional Counselors
    • Licensed Marriage and Family therapists
    • Licensed Addiction Counselors
    • Advance practice registered nurses in the behavioral health field
  • Alcohol and drug: screening, counseling, treatment*
  • Behavioral health assessment, evaluation and testing*
  • Emergency and crisis services
  • Inpatient psychiatric hospital services for a mental health diagnosis*
  • Medication-assisted treatment*
  • Outpatient day treatment non-residential*
  • Medication management*
  • Psychotherapy: family, group or individual*

Benefits with a star (*) may need prior approval

You get your pharmacy benefits through Health First Colorado. Prescription drugs are medicines or drugs your provider prescribes (orders) for you. They treat a condition or illness. Basic prescription drugs are listed below. Talk to your provider about which prescription drugs are covered. You can also view your pharmacy benefits at HealthFirstColorado.com.

  • Brand name or generic drugs*
  • Contraceptives and emergency contraceptives

Benefits with a star (*) may need prior approval.


Colorado Community Health Alliance (CCHA) helps coordinate care and services for Health First Colorado members. We offer you services if your primary care provider’s (PCP) office is in one of these counties: Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, El Paso, Gilpin, Jefferson, Park or Teller.

We’re here to help make sure you understand your benefits. We’ll also help connect you to the services and resources you need for your health and well-being.

CCHA has free care coordination services for members. A care coordinator can help with:

  • Assessing your health care needs
  • Developing a plan of care
  • Giving you and your family the information and training needed to make informed decisions and choices
  • Giving providers the information they need about any changes in your health to help them in planning, delivering and monitoring services
  • Connecting you with added resources and programs for needs such as rides to the doctor, food, housing, financial or legal concerns, and child care
Assistant on Phone

If you need the information on this page in another format, please contact CCHA Member Support Services.

The information will be provided in paper form free of charge within 5 business days.

We can connect you to language services or help you find a provider with ADA accommodations.

If you are having a medical or mental health emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest hospital-based ER.

If you are having a mental health or substance use crisis, call Colorado Crisis Services at 1-844-493-8255.