Clara Cabanis, Senior Manager, CCHA Strategy & Performance Management

If your child suffers from asthma, you are not alone. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 6.2 million American children have been diagnosed.

Pediatric asthma can be well-controlled, but learning how to best partner with your pediatrician may require time, patience and a lot of excellent communication. Here are tips from for effectively managing your child’s asthma with their health care provider.

  • Have a plan and stick to it. Your child should have an asthma action plan. These written instructions from the doctor give clear, step-by-step directions on what medicines to take and when, how to avoid triggers, what to do between flare-ups, and how to recognize and manage them if they happen.
  • Take medicines as prescribed. Most kids with asthma need to take medicines. Some are daily medicines (called long-term control medicines) to help keep airways from getting irritated. Others are used only during a flare-up to help open the airways (quick-relief medicines). Most medications call for the use of a nebulizer or inhaler to help get medicine into the lungs. Sometimes medicine is given as a pill or liquid. The doctor will tell you which medicines your child needs and how to take them.
  • Identify and avoid triggers. Triggers are things that can bother airways and lead to an asthma flare-up. Common triggers are allergens like pollen and mold, weather changes, and viral infections (like the common cold). Finding your child’s triggers can take some detective work, but it’s worth it. The doctor can help too — for instance, testing your child for allergies if you think they’re making asthma worse. When you know your child’s triggers, help your child avoid them as much as possible.
  • Make sure your child gets a yearly flu vaccine. The flu vaccine is recommended for all kids, especially those with asthma. If kids with asthma get the flu, they’re at risk for flare-ups and developing a more serious illness.
  • Use tools when necessary. One way to help predict if a flare-up is on its way is to use asthma tools, like an asthma diary and peak flow meter. The diary helps you to keep track of your child’s asthma symptoms (when they happen), need for medicines, and more. This can help you learn about your child’s early warning signs, and it can help your child’s doctor see how well treatment is working.

    A peak flow meter is a handheld tool that measures how well your child can blow air out of the lungs. It can tell if airways are getting narrow and blocked, and whether your child is at risk for a flare-up.
  • Know the signs of a flare-up. After your child has had a few flare-ups, you may start to notice when a flare-up is going to happen. Early warning signs can help you spot a flare-up hours or even a day before obvious symptoms (such as wheezing and coughing) start. Kids can have changes in how they look, their mood or breathing, or they’ll complain of “feeling funny” in some way. Be sure you know your child’s signs and are ready to adjust medicines or give them, as needed.
  • Know what to do for a severe flare-up. Know when your child’s symptoms call for medical care or even a trip to the emergency room (ER). Always have quick-relief medicine handy in case your child needs it — everyone who cares for your child (like teachers and coaches) also should know when and how to give the medicine.
  • When to see your Doctor? People with asthma should see their health care provider about their asthma at least once a year and more often if having symptoms. Call your health care provider when: you are feel faint, dizzy or weak, you have trouble with routine activities, have a cough that won’t go away, you are wheezing when you breathe in or out, or your wheezing gets worse after taking your medicine.

Help your children successfully manage their asthma by scheduling an appointment with their pediatrician at least once a year

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