Pregnant Women

According to a recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health, substance misuse among pregnant individuals, including illicit substance use, misuse of prescribed medications and binge drinking, has increased year after year for the past decade. Because of societal stigma and perceptions about mothers with addiction, many individuals are reluctant to seek treatment.

If you are using alcohol or other drugs, you are not alone. It’s ok to admit you’re struggling. Colorado Community Health Alliance (CCHA) can help!

Care Coordination for Pregnant and Parenting Individuals

CCHA coordinates confidential whole-person care and services for pregnant individuals and mothers with substance use disorder (SUD). Our goal is to meet your unique needs and help you and your baby live healthy lives.

As a trusted member of your health care team, CCHA care coordinators confidentially learn about your needs and help by providing support, education and resources.

We can help you:

  • Connect with a primary care doctor, behavioral health provider, pediatrician or specialists like an OB/GYN or dentist
  • Access education resources such as parenting classes, labor and delivery classes, pregnancy and birth control education and disease management for any complications that may arise during your pregnancy
  • Connect with community resources such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and additional government-based supports
  • Access resources such as baby supplies, formula, diapers, food, housing lists, clothing and childcare

Substance Use Disorder Support for Pregnant and Parenting Individuals

We are dedicated to helping you and your baby before and after you give birth by connecting you with SUD treatment. Services can be outpatient or residential, depending on your level of risk.

Services include:

  • Case management
  • Group health education with other pregnant individuals
  • In-depth risk screening
  • Individual substance abuse counseling
  • Referral to appropriate aftercare and ongoing support

Connect with a CCHA care coordinator today!

CCHA Member Support Services

303-256-1717 | 719-598-1540 | 1-855-627-4685 (TTY 711)

Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm |

Additional Resources

Tough as a Mother Logo

Tough as a Mother is a collaborative statewide initiative that connects Colorado mothers with dependent children to substance use disorder treatment services in their community. Tough as a Mother seeks to break the stigma by acknowledging that substance use disorder is a medical condition, not a moral shortcoming, and those who suffer are worthy and deserving of support and treatment.

Visit for:

  • Treatment information
  • Information on what to expect
  • Answers to frequently asked questions
  • Information for pregnant moms
  • The opportunity to learn about moms just like you

It’s ok to admit you’re struggling. Get connected to more information and treatment provider locations near you: visit; call 1-844-493-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 8255.

Si necesita la información en esta página en otro formato, comuníquese con los servicios de ayuda para miembros de CCHA.

La información se proporcionará en papel dentro de los 5 días hábiles.

Podemos conectarlo con los servicios de idiomas o ayudarlo a encontrar un proveedor con adaptaciones de la Ley Estadounidense de Discapacidades (ADA, por sus siglas en inglés).

Si tiene una emergencia médica o de salud mental, llame al 911 o acuda a la sala de emergencias del hospital más cercano.

Si tiene un problema de salud mental o crisis de uso de sustancias, comuníquese con Colorado Crisis Services al 1-844-493- 8255.